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Wartungsvertrag bringt Vorteile für Laborbetreiber
Eine regelmäßige Wartung durch die Servicetechniker gewährleistet einen reibungslosen und sicheren Laborbetrieb. Bei einem kundenspezifischen Wartungsvertrag z.B. übernimmt Schuster die jährliche Terminüberwachung für den Kunden und stimmt die Terminierung der Wartung mit den jeweiligen Abteilungen ab.
Stillstandzeiten im Labor werden dadurch verhindert und die Funktionsfähigkeit des Labors wird aufrechterhalten. In einem Wartungsangebot kann der Leistungsumfang präzise definiert werden.
We take over the professional servicing and maintenance of your laboratory equipment. During the security check of your facility, we check according to the applicable guidelines and regulations to ensure that it functions properly.
Regular maintenance work on your facility, fume cupboards and safety cabinets according to the current EN / DIN regulations ---- is tested according to BGI 850-0
The current and currently valid nouns, guidelines and regulations for maintenance are always applied.
Measuring devices - the latest standard - annual calibration and certification
Staff training - regularly
Schneider regulations and Trox technology - experience and documented knowledge of technician certification from technology manufacturers.
Expertise certificate for the professional and legally required execution of the maintenance processes
Certified by Haus der Technik and universities
Acceptance and certification of the operational safety of the individual systems are recorded and documented in accordance with the applicable form regulations.
So you can assume that you always comply with the legal requirements. Regular maintenance extends the service life to a maximum.
We take care of the maintenance of safety cabinets and fume cupboards (digestories) for all brands.
We can also check the gas fittings and lines --- gas test according to DVGW ---